Finally, a proven method for potty training your dog in just 10 days.
The Potty Pocket Guide
A quick mini-course to help you easily housebreak your dog fast
and make accidents (and messes) a thing of the past.


Now only $37!

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!

Tell me if this sounds like you...

➡️ You're over all the accidents and messes and just want your dog finally housebroken.

➡️  You have too much advice coming at you on how to potty train your dog, but not enough proven methods.

➡️  You're tired of trying to "YouTube" or "Google" your way to the right answer.

➡️  You're tired of feeling like you're failing your dog.

➡️ You wish there was a foolproof way to potty train your dog in a short amount of time so you can have less stress (and less mess) in your life again.

Good news!

That may be where you are now, but it doesn't have to stay that way.

***Regardless of your dog's breed, age, or temperament, your dog can be housebroken in less than two weeks... whether they're a newly adopted dog or puppy... or if they've lived with you for years.***

I work with my clients and help them solve this problem every day. Now, with the Potty Pocket Guide, you've got exactly what you need—the same method I share with my clients— to get this done fast.

It's time to put down the carpet cleaner...

And pick up your copy of The Potty Guide below!

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!

Grab The Potty Pocket Guide today...
...and have a housebroken dog next week!
ONE TIME OFFER - $97 Only $27!

Want to train your dog... and have fun? Check the box to add K9 Playtime — over two dozen fun and easy games, for your dog and the whole family. Perfect for a rainy (or sunny) day, when you want to do more than the daily walk!

Only $97 $27! Check the box to add — you can’t buy this from me anywhere else at this price point!

"Who made this?"

Hey, I'm Josh Donahue!

I'm a U.S.-based dog trainer who teaches dog owners how to clearly communicate with their dog so they can have a joyful, stress-free relationship with their dog and find harmony in the home.

After training literally thousands of dogs (and their owners 😉) all over the world for over a decade, I've put together all of my systems in online courses (like this one), so dog owners everywhere can access state-of-the-art dog training without having to leave their home.

The Potty Pocket Guide is my answer to one of the most frequently asked questions I get:

"What's the fool-proof way to housebreak a dog?"

(Hint: This is it.)

This method is simple, it works, and boy, has it been tested! And best of all, your whole family can watch and implement this from home in less than two weeks!

Praise for Josh Donahue's dog training programs:

Having a proven, easy, reliable system for potty-training your dog in just ten days...

Having peace back in your household, be able to actually relax around your dog...

Letting your dog play in the house knowing you won't have to clean anything up...

Putting that carpet cleaner away, for good...

Actually enjoying your dog again.
All of that's possible inside The Potty Pocket Guide.

Grab the guide today!


Now only $37!

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!

Here's what you'll get when you grab The Potty Pocket Guide:

The C.R.A.P. Method ($150 value)

Our proven, tested method for teaching your dog to go outside, every timewith a 100% success rate!

Video Tutorial Training ($150 value)

Built to give you live-action examples and bring simplicity to your efforts as you implement the Guide.

The Simplicity Checklist ($25 value)

The anchor that keeps you on track while you're on the go and away from your notes.

The Dog Trainer's Tool Kit ($25 value)

A resource guide with recommendations for all the tools and products I use with my own dogs.

The Potty Pocket Guide includes all of the above features for a combined total value of $350...

BUT when you grab your copy today, you can get it for just $37!

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!

"Who is The Potty Pocket Guide for?"

Great question! Short answer: All dog owners (and their dogs).

But, more specifically...

New Puppies

Being a new puppy owner brings so much joy... but it can also bring so much frustration when your puppy won't stop peeing in the house.

With the Potty Pocket Guide, we'll give you all you need to make cleaning your carpets a thing of the past—and bring that joy back into being a puppy owner!

Newly Adopted Dogs

New to rescue dogs or maybe you've never had one that pees in the house? Great! This is a solvable problem.

We'll give you what you need to potty train your new dog and begin building a trusting relationship that can last a lifetime!

Accident-prone Dogs

If you're living with a dog who always pees in the house, then you know how frustrating it is to be in clean-up mode 24/7.

Rest assured: The Potty Pocket Guide is your go-to tool that will give you everything you need to put that carpet cleaner away for GOOD!

Basically, this is for your dog and you if...

You want to potty train your dog so they'll stop peeing in the house.

Your dog will pee outside sometimes but you're overwhelmed by the prospect of getting them to do it every time.

You've corrected your dog for peeing inside but you're frustrated because they keep peeing inside anyway.

You want an easy, straightforward system to potty train your dog in 10 days!

Now, if you’re still on the fence, you might be like a lot of dog owners — believing myths that might simply not be true.

So, before we can get to the work we do inside The Potty Pocket Guide, it’s important to distinguish fact from fiction and myth from truth.

Maybe you’ve heard — or have even believed — things like…

MYTH #1:

"[Insert dog breed here] always pees inside, so there's nothing you can really do."


NOT true. This is a common statement that breed-specific dog owners make when their dog misbehaves. If more than one person agrees with them, they might collectively decide it's now a "breed issue.” (But it wouldn't be true.)

While every dog breed might have some similarities, all dogs have a natural desire for hygiene, regardless of their breed. This desire can be leveraged to quickly and efficiently potty train your dog.

In fact, leveraging this is actually the first of four cornerstones that you'll learn in The C.R.A.P. Method (found inside The Potty Pocket Guide).

MYTH #2:

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks."


This is also not true.  At all. Old dogs can learn just as well as puppies, and in fact, using The Potty Pocket Guide will be even easier for adult dog owners.

Adult dogs and older dogs already know how to hold their bladder. So, they are halfway to being potty trained already!

In The Potty Pocket Guide you'll learn exactly what your older dog needs to go outside, and you'll see results in potentially half the time.

MYTH #3:

"If a dog pees inside, just rub their nose in it."


Yikes. Nope. This actually doesn't work at all, yet it’s still perpetuated as (terrible) “advice."

This “method" has been around for a while and was developed by people who usually kept their dogs outside... so what do they know about living with a dog in the house?

The Potty Pocket Guide has been developed over a decade with dogs who only live in the house... so you've FINALLY come to the right place!

MYTH #4:

"Once a dog pees in the house, they'll do it forever."


Nope. Also not true at all.

Dogs want to go in places that feel clean to them. Through The Potty Pocket Guide, we’re able to teach (and reinforce) where the best spots are.

Doing this will actually make your dog want to pee outside… sometimes in a singular spot!

That seems complicated, but using The Potty Pocket Guide makes the whole process easy to understand.

MYTH #5:

"Potty training is too complicated."


Nah, not if it's taught in a simple way that is easy to learn. (Which is what we do inside The Potty Pocket Guide. Obviously. 😉)

Dog trainers have a pesky habit of using a bunch of industry "jargon" when teaching their clients, and it often leaves them confused.

I've built a reputation on keeping dog training simple, and that’s certainly the case with the simple method you’ll find inside The Potty Pocket Guide.

Also, because we like to go above and beyond, I've built the Simplicity Checklist, a tangible resource to help keep you on track and stress-free!


There was an easy way to potty train your dog in 10 days that was 100% successful...

Finally having peace back in your household and relax around your dog...

Letting your dog play in the house knowing you won't have to clean anything up...

Putting that carpet cleaner away, for good...

Actually enjoying your dog again…

Then stop imagining, because we can make all of that happen inside The Potty Pocket Guide!

Here's how this works:


Purchase The Potty Pocket Guide HERE.


Check your inbox for your login info.


Get started today and have a fully potty-trained dog in less than two weeks!

Whether your dog is brand new to your family and you want to get things off on the right foot…

Or whether you have an accident-prone dog who’s set in their ways…

The Potty Pocket Guide is fool-proof and fast — and waiting for you!

Grab The Potty Pocket Guide today!

Now only $37!

Grab it at this low price today! The price will be going up soon!

FAQs about The Potty Pocket Guide:

What if I'm already too busy with kids at home full-time and barely have a free hour in my day to do anything else?

As a toddler dad, I get it. Some days, we're just trying to make it to nap time and bed time!

But, you don't need hours of uninterrupted time to implement this system. In fact, this system only requires very brief training sessions throughout the day (2 minutes max). Super easy!

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When does this start? When do I get access to everything?

It starts as soon as you join! This is a self-paced, instant access, quick workshop, so all you have to do is sign up, and you'll get everything delivered straight to your inbox within a few minutes.

So you can start today! Or tomorrow! Or next week! Or next year! (Though my vote is for starting sooner rather than later!)

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Can I buy this, try this, then ask for a refund?

Due to the brief and digital nature of The Potty Pocket Guide, we do not offer refunds. 

But you don't have to cross your fingers and hope it’ll work! We’ve tested this for over a decade and literally thousands of clients and their dogs. Check out the testimonials above!

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How do I get The Potty Pocket Guide?

A good questions with an easy answer: Click here to get The Potty Pocket Guide today!

This guide is a decade in the making...

But it'll only take you 5 seconds to join and 10 days to complete!

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What if this doesn't work for my dog?

As bold as it is to say it, The Potty Pocket Guide has a nearly 100% success rate. I say nearly because nothing is perfect, however, I have yet to meet a single person or client who says this didn't work for their dog… and I've trained literally thousands of dogs across the United States.

So, if you've read this far…

You have two options:

Continue to spend more time and energy trying to figure it out on your own...

Or, finally save time with a proven method for potty training your dog with less frustration and more peace.

Imagine where you could be just one month from now.

You're ready for your dog to go outside, every time.

You're ready to start potty training your dog in the most effective way possible.

You're ready for a way to potty train your dog that is simple and easy to execute.

You're ready to feel like your home is actually clean again.

You’re ready to lead your dog with confidence because you’re about to get your hands on a proven system.

You're ready for the Potty Pocket Guide.

Grab The Potty Pocket Guide today!


Only $37!

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!

© 2024 | Pocket Dog Trainer, LLC
